
Don't you dare [MEETING]

Sage I


3 Years
06-03-2015, 10:56 AM

Sage puzzled himself over what he saw in front of him. The deja vu of this moment was astounding. Even though he wasn't officially a healer, something he had meant to talk to Arian about a while ago, here he was sitting in his solitary den and looking in at his herb stores. He had a large range, rivalling even the cache he had had last year. He had everything he needed, too much even, but there was no-one in need of help or treatment. He wasn't especially  close with anyone in Sonticus yet. The only ones he truly knew a little were Arian and Mirabelle, and every time he felt like talking to either of them he felt that it would just be bothersome for them.

With a sigh, the lonely healer rose and exited his den. Perhaps he's search for some simple winter sprouting herbs today. Sage hadn't collected very many when the summons of Arian pierced his concentrated bubble. At a hurried pace, the man made his way to her and saw that another of his packmates had arrived before him. Herbs still held gently in his jaws, Sage nodded and smiled to him and then sat a little a ways away from Arian and put his collection down. The once socially at ease man looked at Arian a little awkwardly before smiling at bowing. "Hello, Miss Ari-. Um... Miss. President. " he looked down a little in embarrassment at his blunder.

"Burn Baby Burn"