
Amathena boys



2 Years
06-03-2015, 05:30 PM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2015, 06:08 PM by Kyarst.)
Name: Andyyyy

Any changes: Appearance will pretty much stay the same except the off white of his underside will slowly turn silver as he ages. His personality will vastly stay the same, with the exception of any developments that may occur when played. A big change I intend to implement is buying him a badass companion to do his speaking for him :3

Appearance: Though his size does not fall on either extreme end of the spectrum of large and small, Vitus finds himself settled somewhere in the third nearest the large end. He is built strong, lined with muscle in every available spot on his skeleton. He carries his weight well, and appears to be an average sized fellow with just a little bit of room to grow. His exterior is painted vastly in deep, deep blue, dark enough to be considered black when light is unavailable, but light enough to clearly be seen as blue when illuminated properly. This pigmentation is much like the ocean in the late evening, varying darknesses depending upon the amount of light available. The only deviations from the color of the sea at night is the off white that is slowly turning silver as he ages. This light contrast is strewn across the entirety of his chest, stomach, paws up to the ankle, the end of his tail, and the width and breadth of his brow bone. Another deviation is the darkened shade that is nearly black along the points of his ears. His eyes are a deep, blood red ringed with emerald.

Personality: Picture a knight in shining armor. Picture a man standing in bright, silver armor ready to defend, honor, and serve. Picture that man smiling, beaming from ear to ear as women, children, and civilians praise him and write songs of his victories. That man has very, very little in common with Vitus Armada. True, Vitus lives to honor, serve, and protect those he is loyal to. In fact, he is so blindly loyal that he lives for little more than this. However, Vitus is the epitome of humility, which is why he voluntarily shrinks away from the praise and honor that comes with being a loyal servant. Kind words are lost on Vitus, and he often denies their very existence. Praises and adoration are not something he is comfortable with, and not something that he accepts under any circumstances. Vitus lives for actions, both giving them and receiving them. He is a physical being, often displaying affection through physical means versus verbal means. In the same way, he is more easily touched by physical connections than words of affirmation. If you want to tell him something, show him instead. Let him feel it. This being said, Vitus feels very passionately most of the time - anger being a feeling that dominates most of his being. He is driven by anger, and it builds up in him like a pressure valve. He must occasionally release this pressure through some sort of physicality, being a fight or killing/torturing anything small enough and slow enough to fall victim to his teeth and claws. When hunting, Vitus has been known to be rather torturous and sadistic before finally killing his victims. On a final note, Vitus is nearly mute (voluntarily so) and only rarely communicates with anything but guttural sounds anymore due to words causing him intense pain. When words are necessary, his companion Carlisle often speaks for him.

RP sample: ooc; playing him currently with a Barn Owl companion named Carlisle (this is subject to change).

He woke up early, far before the dawn. He had been an early riser for as long as he could remember. Fortunately, so had Carlisle. The wise owl had not been with him long, but already he was proving himself to be an excellent companion. He was a ghostly looking creature, and when he'd appeared Vitus hadn't been certain of how much he wanted the bird to stick around. Still, when the creature began speaking on the wolf's behalf Vitus had realized how symbiotic their relationship could be. It pained him to speak, and not having to do so was a blessing he wasn't sure he deserved - but would gladly accept. The horizon glowed a very pale, gentle orange as he exited the den and noted that Carlisle was already fluttering at the top of a nearby tree - rousing to join Vitus on whatever adventure today brought.

Vitus had already decided that today definitely required a hunt. Crimson and emerald eyes flickered to the bird and met the avian's dark gaze. Carlisle offered a simple query, "Food?" and the wolf nodded in response. In a burst of feathers and eagerness, the owl departed and went looking for prey, Vitus following close behind with a smooth lope. It still amazed him how silently the bird managed to fly, and Vitus often found himself trying desperately to quell the sounds of his own footsteps. He longed to be more like Carlisle, to move silently and fluidly. In his training he had worked on silencing his movements, and thus far he had slowly been improving. He knew he would never be as stealthy as the bird, but it was a goal worth working toward - at least.

There was a single hoot, Carlisle's alert that prey had been sighted. Had it been repeated Vitus would know a wolf was in the area. Silently the yearling moved into the shadows that the low sun hadn't dissolved yet, eyes searching for Carlisle who was likely circling the prey or hinting toward its location. Finally, he saw the flutter of feathers and began to move again, slinking through the shadows toward the prey he'd now identified as a hare. He knew that on the off chance he botched this kill Carlisle would be right there to catch it. The owl was big enough to snag a hare on his own - but he was smart enough to let Vitus have a little fun. In a burst of speed, energy, and adrenaline, Vitus darted around a nearby tree, hoping to catch the hare off guard and annihilate it. He succeeded in the first part of his mission, as the hare had had no clue the wolf was lurking so nearby. Vitus' front paw snaked out like a cat and sought to swipe the legs out from beneath the hare. He did. The creature balked and squealed (Vitus hadn't known that hares could squeal) as it rolled onto its back and subsequently onto its other side while trying to protect its belly. Youthfully white fangs steeled forth to snap shut on the hare's left hind leg, and there came a satisfying crunch and a trickle of blood. He purposely released the creature to watch it attempt to hobble away from him. Vitus crawled after the hare, watching it leave a blood trail as it desperately tried to escape. The smallest of smiles creeped across his face as he crawled after his prey like a child, jaws reaching forward once more to break the remaining hind limb and leave the hare immobile save for the few inches it managed to pull itself with its front legs only. He circled his prey, noting the frantic look in its eye as it realized it was about to die. Finally, after what probably seemed like hours to the frightened and pained creature, Vitus took it by the scruff and shook once, twice with all his might. The hare hung limp in his jaws, neck broken in some awkward angle. At last, he dropped the hare in its own blood and let loose a simple 'oof' from his lips to invite Carlisle to the meal.

Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.