
Delightful Dilemmas


06-04-2015, 10:53 PM

Ears twitched at her comment. She was right, they were similar to what they had back home. He had had a few mussels before, but this thing seemed a little harder to get to. She was also right about another thing. He had to figure out how to pry it open or crush it, perhaps he would learn later. For now, he'd sigh as he picked up the clam and flung it back into the water. He stared longingly at the place where it had fallen into the water with a heavy "plip" sound, and then turned back to his sister. "It's a shame really, I would have liked to try the difference between these shelled creatures and the ones back home. Oh well." Despite having to give up, he'd glance at his sister in curiosity.

"How did you track me? I never thought I'd run into you here, but I am glad. I had quite the interesting journey. Have you found any of the others?" Curiosity clawed at his mind, a hungry gaze in his eyes as he sought the answer. He wanted to reunite with his family, being alone was not for him despite the tradition of his species. However, his family had always been different in that aspect. He purred as he took a seat in the sand, tail wrapping neatly around his paws. He was glad to be in the company of his beloved sister.
