
Facing History



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-04-2015, 11:14 PM

Audits perked at the approach of another. Her howl ceasing its existence. A woman who appeared battered and scarred--just like she felt on the inside--stopped before her. Avalon gazed steadily at the woman, relief flooding her when she heard the pack name. She had made it to Sonticus, and this woman did not seem menacing nor aggressive nor insane at all. Her heart stopped, however, when she heard the woman's name. Adravendi. That was the name that stuck in her mind, for it was a history of her family. Her father was good friends with many Adravendi's, and the one she had met, Chrysanthe, all those years ago, had been nice. So it was an Adravendi that ran this pack? Perhaps she would have a chance after all.

She was uncertain, however, about Arian's last comment. Beautiful? Her? She was broken, though not visibly, but she felt it. Her hind leg was scarred, her fur not as luxurious as it had once been. She had allowed it to grow shaggy and dull, unkempt. Wrecking the image of her father, no doubt. And for that, she was ashamed. But could she really be blamed? Her past had nearly destroyed her as a being, and she was slowly struggling in getting back to what she had been. What she wanted to be.

Avalon dipped her head to Arian, struggling for the words to speak, and after a moment she would find them. "Um, hello. My name is...Avalon. Daughter of Gargoyle and Ocena...Vereux sent me here, and I was hoping that well...maybe, I was hoping to join." Her voice wasn't as brave sounding as she hoped it would be, and for a girl her size, one would expect it to be the opposite. But she was trying, little by little. And yet, it was all without help. Maybe if Arian let her join, she could finally try to be her old self. Or better.

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