
Just what the hell do you think you're doing (CHALLENGE?!)



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
06-04-2015, 11:18 PM

Cascade had been thinking.

A dangerous proposition, at times, since her devious mind had a way of getting her - and everyone else - in trouble, but a thought and a certain discontent had been brewing since Vana had brought Valen to her, since she'd seen his hurt and his anger, and the trust he had put in her to share that and to let her see that and help him... And she had reached one very important conclusion: if she was really Valentine's friend, she could not sit back and do nothing while fool wolves ran roughshod over his emotions. The idea of seeing his heart ripped apart by some bitch too selfish to see what Valentine was, what he could be... or some male - she wasn't blind enough or stupid enough not to know about his proclivities. The point was, she just could not justify lazing around in a simple warrior's role when she could be doing more for him, when at any moment along could come some useless, heartbreaking wretch to steal him away and chain him down because she hadn't been there to support him properly.

He needed a partner.

The history they shared tied her to him beyond a casual relationship. She would survive if she lost him, because she had always foremost been a survivor, but she could not imagine life without him. Of everyone in the pack, only she had been there from the very start of it, had known him before he'd been king. The pups they shared, eldest of all Valen's children and the only children Cascade would bear, raising them together, seeing them grow to be so much like Valen. She hadn't truly realized how much he meant to her as a friend, as family, as... more, until the night he'd comforted her over Neios. How strange that from such a loss grew this new awareness, and this determination to ensure that he never need suffer heartbreak. He and their children were the only creatures in the world she would be willing to die for.

Rolling her shoulders to loosen them, she sauntered to the center of the range, confidence in every aspect of her being. She would be doing what was necessary today, and while she hadn't exactly discussed it with Valentine first, surely taking the initiative would be worth something. She'd prove herself to him in the way she knew best, by outright fighting for him, prove herself to be the best choice in partner for him. It would be hard giving up being a ranking warrior for anything, but she'd come to realize that Valentine was worth it. She'd stand down if he told her to, but until that time she was committed. Lifting her muzzle, she loosed a howl, sending a challenge over all of Imperium. She, Cascade Saxe, was challenging to be... Valentine's Queen, et uxor of Imperium. See if any of his playtoys would dare step up to challenge her bid!

CASCADE vs ? for RANK (ex utor)

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

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