
Is Everything Like it Seems?



13+ Years

Treat 2019
06-05-2015, 10:18 AM
She'd not received an explanation from Valentine yet, and she knew she should reserve her judgement until he was able to explain himself but her faith in him had been shaken to its core when he'd done what he did to Soliloquy. Though by now she was sure that his trust in her had been disrupted just as greatly. The past few days had given her a lot of time to think, which was probably a bad thing, now a few days after the fight she'd completely lost Soliloquy and she hadn't made it back to Abaven like she'd planned. If she waited any longer though she was sure that her standing in the pack would be compromised, even more than it was at the moment.

She was still torn, and couldn't begin to imagine how Valentine might react to her return. Would he hurt her like he'd done to Sol? Her pace was slow as she walked towards Imperium, her head help barely level with her chest and her white marked tail swinging slightly between her legs. She was scared of what might transpire when Valentine reached her, and despite the days she had to think she still had no idea what she might say to him or how they might fix things. Were things even fixable, had she succeeded in destroying another relationship? Would Valen just send her away as soon as he saw her? She'd take in a deep breath as she made her way to the border, though the breath wouldn't turn into a howl like she planned, it was more of a whimper. With another heavy sigh she'd peer into Imperium, finally tilting back her head she'd sing for Valentine.

As the melody ended and her form returned to its pose she'd feel herself stiffen, a nervousness worse than she'd ever experienced took hold of her frail features.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads