
Just what the hell do you think you're doing (CHALLENGE?!)



2 Years
06-05-2015, 11:00 AM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2015, 11:00 AM by Atreides.)

The challenging howl lifted Atreides' head, and he stared blankly into the distance to where the howl had come from. Was that... Cascade? He knew her vaguely, she'd been there when they'd come to Imperium and she'd helped right after his dad had died, but he didn't know her well enough to know what this was all about. She and Valen had never seemed particularly like... loving, like his parents had been. More like really good friends. Though... she did have kids with Valen so maybe there was more there than he'd seen in those very brief times he'd seen her. Whatever the case may be... A lazy grin lightly bared his teeth as he stretched to his paws and loped toward the call. Whatever the case may be, he wanted to see this! It was probably the most interesting thing to happen since... well, since the siege probably. Everyone seemed content to just stay put in their ranks, and he admired her bold move. Maybe he should take it as a good example, actually, and talk to Valen about actually doing something in the pack. Later, though. He wanted to enjoy the show.

He was the first spectator to show up, and as his gaze met Cascade's mismatched eyes he grinned at her, tongue flopping out. "I'm not here to challenge you for the spot, sorry," he teased. "Better not be, brat," came her mock-fierce reply as she eyed him, "You're too young to even consider being someone's mate!" He sighed in feigned disappointment. "Oh well. Maybe next year?" He dodged the playful swat she aimed at him and went to plop himself down on his belly far enough away to give her and any prospective challenger room.
