
Playing the Victim



04-03-2013, 08:43 PM

Off she was, she moved away from the spot Bronze was resting and when she was out of sight she suddenly sprinted forward. The easiest thing to do would be collecting the herbs he would need for his wounds, so she decided that she would try catching something for the both of them to snack on first. Paws moved quikly but silently over the cool, hard earth, ears swiveling left and right, listening for the sounds of prey moving through the vegetation or making any other noises. She didn't need her eyes for hunting, a lot of the time they eyes would fool you and you'd end up wasting valuable time and energy chasing after something that wasn't even there in the first place.

It didn't take long for her to find something, being that Wolfpaw Lake is surrounded by forest, you just have to walk a few feet to find something. What she found was a single plump squirrel, sitting in a small clearing nibbling on something but because of where she was she couldn't see. Didn't matter though, it would be dead within moments and in her stomach. Silently the shewolf crouched low to the ground, slowly making her way forward, when the squirrel would stop moving or lift its head she would come to a stop then continue when it went back to its business. Finally she was close enough, just a leap away. Bam! She sprang forward, paws drumming over the ground as the small animal took off, zigzagging from left to right, hop, zigzag. She pushed herself, coming within inches of its tail then Snap! Jaws clamped shut around it's small body, breaking its spine. One down, another to go.

After a couple of minutes she caught another squirrel, quickly hiding both of them in a safe spot so she could grab them after getting the herbs she needed for Bronze. Grey eyes scanned the plants around her, paws carrying back and forth, around this tree and around that tree. Finally she got what she needed, setting all the herbs into two leaf bundles, he wouldn't need much for his wounds so she had no reason to get more. Once she got back she could explain to him what plants to look out for when on his own to make sure the wounds didn't get infected. And so she picked those up and went to where she stashed the squirrels, cleaning the dirt off them and also putting those into a leaf bundle before heading back to the log where the waiting Bronze, hopefully, was waiting.

Bronze? She called, stepping out from behind a tree, grey eyes scanning the spot beneath the log for the ragged male. Sorry it took a bit, I didn't mean to make you wait. She quickly apologized, walking over quickly and setting the leaf bundles down not far from him. I... I hope your hungry. I caught something for us, it's not much but it's the best I can do. Leaning her head down she gently pulled a leaf bundle apart to reveal the two squirrels inside, looking up to the too see his reaction. Hopefully he would like it, and if he didn't she would feel like an idiot for wasting that time getting something he didn't even want.
