
Facing History



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-05-2015, 01:38 PM

She stared with an unreadable expression as Arian spoke in a language she did not understand. But even so, it was hard to miss the underlying softness in which she spoke. She dipped her head to Arian as the woman rose back up, and she was curious as to what had been said, but would not press it. Avalon's own tail wagged slightly when Arian spoke. She was lucky to have met Vereux, otherwise she wouldn't be here at Sonticus' doorstep. She could feel herself getting a little lighter, as if a piece of the earths wait had crumbled away. She was one step closer, it seemed, to being saved.

She looked out towards the ship as Arian did, a faraway look in her eyes as images of her past flashed briefly through her mind. Although she was returning to the place that haunted her, she was ready to take that step. To face part of her past. To healing. She mulled over her answer as she followed Arian past the borders. She was glad that Arian had allowed her in. That was one load off her back, and now would be the process towards a long road of recovery. "My father was a close friend of the Adravendi's. My uncle, had been mates to an Adravendi named Guinevere. And since, we've always been close to your family line. So...I guess that makes us related?" She wasn't entirely sure, but she would like to believe so. She wanted so badly to belong to a family again. As far as she knew, she was the only one left.

She was also unsure of what to respond when Arian had told her she was a beautiful gem. Maybe one day she would be, but she still felt she had alot of work to do to help herself. She took in a deep breath as she walked alongside the Alphess. She wasn't quite sure what skill she was good at...she hadn't really had the chance to learn anything. But she knew one thing. She wanted to learn to help others. Maybe dabble a bit in healing as her mother had done. But she also wanted to learn how to fight and be the great warrior that her father was. She had the size for it, as well as the willing spirit. "To be honest...I haven't really any skills to offer now. But, I would like to learn healing and fighting. My parents were proficient at both, if not the best. And I'd like to try and carry on their memory and legacy through the skills that I can learn."

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