
Bad Weather, Good Company



04-03-2013, 09:40 PM
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Walk | Talk | Think

She moved along hurriedly but sedately, blinking rapidly as the rain water coursed through her fur and slipped passed her eyes and dripped down her muzzle to feed back into the slippery grounds underneath her swiftly moving paws. Cold, wet, and unable to feel much else besides, the slim grey wolf continued to plod along, mindful of her steps, of her position within the trees, of her direction.

But not so mindful of anyone around her. The sound of the familiar voice brought her up short, caused her to lift her head in a sort of dazed, disbelieving manner. Leon? Sure enough, as her gold and purple eyes settled on his light brown frame, she noticed his piercing blue eyes and warm, friendly grin, and felt an uncharacteristic stirring somewhere in her middle accompanied by a sudden wash of embarrassment. What a sight she must have looked like, strolling around in this horrid weather with no real intent, and soaked to the bone to boot! A sheepish grin stretched across her muzzle in answer to his own accompanied by a low chuckle, though her gaze quickly tore itself away from his, momentarily unable to meet it and see anything to hint at his reaction upon finding her like this. Any other time, Ashtoreth could have happened upon him by chance, but instead it had to be under these circumstances, and her without an excuse to cling to. Well, fate certainly has a sense of humor.

Though he asked her pointedly what it was she was doing wandering about in the storm, she did not want to answer. Stating she was out on an impromptu patrol sounded so feeble and silly now, especially considering the storm that hardly suited it at all. More lightning flashed overhead, but she paid it little mind, using the light instead to glance at Leon and judge how long he had been out in it. It was incredibly hard to tell, what with the rain coming down in such heavy sheets Ash was sure he would have been soaked just as she was the moment he stepped out into it. "Oh, just...admiring the weather," she answered at length with a casual shrug of her shoulders, figuring even such a blatant joke would have been better than admitting she had been trying to work in this weather.

At his coaxing, the slim grey she-wolf nodded eagerly over his suggestion of getting out of the storm, shifting about on her paws as she awaited him to lead the way. He was right; she was ready to be done with the storm. Between the rain and the mud and the cold from being subjected to it all, the dry warmth of shelter sounded heavenly. And if it meant she got to spend more time with the ever amusing, ever optimistic Leon, then all the better.


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