
Come At Me, Bro!



4 Years
06-05-2015, 09:01 PM

His words caused her excitement to dip. Little lady? That was mildly demeaning. It probably wasn't intended that way, was probably something learned and said without thought, but that didn't lessen the damage any. It took her from a willing and capable opponent and scaled her down to something soft and giggly. Warja didn't like that one bit. Determination set her jaw. She'd show him what this particular little lady could do.

"Name's Zell..." Warja accepted his greeting with a polite dip of her head. His joking words and expression earned him a quick quirk of her brows and the retort, "Alright Mister Comedian, do you want a laugh or a fight?" Casually she began to set some basic defenses, all the while hoping to exude an air of nonchalance. Her ears flicked back, her chin tucked slightly (a move that could perhaps be mistake for something more coy) and her hackles rose as she rolled her shoulders forward as if she were loosening up.

"Ladies first." Oh, he was going to regret not only his choice of words, but the decision to give up the opening move.

Warja grinned as if she were about to say something, and then she kicked off, seeking to circle to her left in an attempt to line the left side of her chest up with the outside of Zell's right elbow. She crouched down, knees bending and stance widening as her toes splayed and her nails bit into the snow. Given their massive height difference, Warja decided to use his size against him. Her lowered stance brought the middle of her chest to approximately the same height as the midway point between his right elbow and wrist -and that was her target. Coming in arrow straight, Warja intended to hit the aforementioned spot with the center of the left side of her chest. She wanted to sweep him off his paws and to do this she intended to straighten just as she hit his foreleg. Hopefully this would tempt his body to roll towards her and then (in theory) over her and deposit him on the ground behind her. To further this goal Warja also punched out with her left forefoot (her weight redistributing to accommodate the move as she executed it) and attempted to run it behind his right foreleg in the hopes of slamming her paw into the inside of his left foreleg. She wanted to strike it just below the midway point between his left ankle and elbow. In theory this might aid her in her efforts to unbalance him.

It suddenly occurred to Warja that she was inviting the giant to roll off her back and right onto her tail, so to protect it, she tucked it firmly between her legs.

Instinctively her eyes narrowed to protect her sight. To bunch the skin around her eyes, Warja's forehead furrowed and her lips curled. She had one final target in mind, and this one was going to hurt. Reaching out and to her left, Warja's crown tipped modestly to her right (her jaws rising to her left) and she reached up in the hopes of biting into Zell's left armpit. She hoped to deeply imbed her upper teeth into the top of his left foreleg where it connected to his chest while driving her lower teeth into the thin skin of the inside of his left armpit. She wanted to use the bite to push against him; to further encourage him to go with the flow and allow his body to do what she wanted it to do...which was sprawl gracelessly on the ground behind her.

WARJA versus ZELL for SPAR
Round ONE of TWO

OOC: I'd rather do two, if that's alright with you.