
Don't you dare [MEETING]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-05-2015, 10:34 PM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2015, 05:49 PM by Avalon.)

She had hardly kept herself far from Arian since her recent arrival in the pack. So when Arian had called for Sonticus to gather, she was already on her feet and moving. Though she wasn't the first one there, it seemed. It didn't bother her, except she knew nobody but Arian, and being among them was rather intimidating considering she had not been around such a large group since the war that shook the lands two years prior. She skirted the edge of the small group with caution, probably a strange sight to see such a large wolf doing that. Her hind left leg limped a little, causing her rear end to bob just a bit. It had been bothering her lately, and it was probably due to the cold season.

Avalon seated herself fairly close to Arian, just a bit to her right and a few feet in front of her. Avalon noticed that she was taller then the others, so when she went to sit she felt out of place. Her gaze brightened when she looked at Arian, the only comrade and friend she had here, but she didn't mind. In time, she hoped to get to know the others, providing they wanted to integrate themselves among one another. She watched a male wolf rise to meet another, the healer it seemed, or at least she thought...he had a bundle of herbs with him, but she could only assume.

She dipped her head to Arian, respect for her clear and evident in her eyes. "Good morning, Arian." It was a simple greeting, full of warmth. She didn't want to hold up her first meeting by talking too much, but she was sure that afterwards, her and Arian could talk and find out more. She was eager to get started in learning what knowledge Arian had to offer.



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