
Facing History



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-05-2015, 11:05 PM (This post was last modified: 06-06-2015, 02:59 PM by Evelyn.)

The girl followed Arian, hesitating for only a second as her paw stepped onto the ramp leading up to the hull of the ship. I'm not there anymore...this is a new reason to be afraid anymore... She'd try to ease herself, wanting to get past her ghosts. Step by step, she'd feel the anxiety building, but then she became distracted from it when Arian responded about the new apprentice. "Where did you grow up?" That was a question that left her pondering for a long moment. Though she knew the answer clearly, the past was non too pleasant to remember.

"Well...I was born in Glaciem, when my father was the Alpha." She paused for a moment, a sigh escaping her lips. "Before it was challenged for...he lost, so we moved east. Our pack staying together. Then my father started up again in the East, until someone else challenged shortly after. He had just lost our home shortly before, so he didn't put up a fight the second time. After that, we moved to Soul sand Cove and adopted the name 'Snow Rogues.' The pack remained together for a time...we were a family." She remembered those times. When her family and her siblings all played around the water. She wasn't sure how much she wanted to tell, but it seemed her tongue would keep moving regardless.

"Not long after the last two incidents, we learned that our old home had been given to a stranger, and everything father, I don't think he could handle it. He just...disappeared one day. Then my mother followed...and then it was just me and my brothers and my sisters." She looked down at her paws, her voice growing sadder with each word. "Soon, I had ventured out to do some exploring...and that's when...that's when I was kidnapped. I was hardly a year when it happened, and I was forced into slavery for nearly six months. Amenti, if I recall correctly. After was rescued from there, I just kinda wandered for a little while, then I decided I wanted to try and find my parents." She frowned then, her journey had been a lost cause...and she knew that maybe, they weren't walking anymore. "After a fruitless search...well, I came back I am."

She looked at Arian, apology in her eyes when she realized that she had talked without holding back. Well, some of it anyway. She hadn't told her who had taken Glaciem after it was stolen from them, but she was sure that Arian probably already knew. After all, the ghoul had a vendetta against the Adravendi's...that had been clear in the war she was forced into. She swallowed, clearing her throat then. "Sorry, that was probably a longer answer then what was needed...I guess you can say I grew up in a broken home." She sighed, realizing that it was true...if not partially. "What about you?"



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