
A Wonderful Day For Gathering [Training Preston ]



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-03-2013, 10:36 PM
Her student arrived with a bow and a wag of his tail. Erani returned the wag with a sweep of her own, eyes twinkling. ?It?s time to begin your gathering training. Come along.? She turned and padded along the faint path through the woods that skirted a large meadow. ?I have some wonderful news.? Her voice was rich with happiness. ?I?m expecting a litter, Preston.? The knowledge was still so new to her that it made her feel as though she floated four feet off the ground. She had never truly expected to ever have the joy of bearing and raising her very own litter.

She came to a pause and nodded to a stand of Earth Smoke. It was only really good for colds and fevers. But it also helped purify the blood. ?This is Earth Smoke, or Fumitory. It helps treat colds and fevers, and aids in purifying the blood.? She showed him the method of gathering it. Rising, she carried the few parts along with her, tail waving high and happy, with the tip held loose and relaxed.

Soon, she came to a stop again, and set the Earth Smoke down. They stood beside a shrub like bush, three to five feet in height. ?This is Elderberry. It cam help strengthen the body against infection, and help in treating several types of allergies. They help with all kinds of ear infections, as well. Arthritis can be treated by it as well. Cairo will need some. I?ve noticed the hitch in his gait. It also helps with fevers.

?You can apply it topically to cuts and wounds and sunburns as well.?
She rose, and began nipping off the parts she wanted. Flowers and berries, as well as the bark were gathered and she passed a few of the bark pieces to him. Dropping to her fours, she turned and gathered up the herbs she had so far, and continued her way down the trail. ?Have you been playing the Game??