
Facing History



4 Years
06-06-2015, 02:18 AM

Being here with Avalon, Arian felt was nothing less than a miracle. In part of her soul she knew that they were meant to meet. Even with their short about of time together, Arian felt the tug of companionship coming to her. She wanted to show Avalon around, show her to Cypress, flaunt her to Cypress. Unlike most other wolves, Arian didn't trust so easily. She was constantly looking over her shoulder, constantly wondering if her next step would be a bad one. She never knew when she could lose the people she loved, she never knew when she could lose herself. Even the gods couldn't help her, wouldn't help her unless she pulled through on her own. As she clamped shut on her jaw she listened to Avalon's words. Her crystal eyes watching her so carefully.

As much as it would alert the other members, Arian watched as she pulled up her head. The irresistible urge of every wolf, a howl to release feelings. Her own found itself pulling back, joining in with Avalon's own voice. This was what it felt like to be alive wasn't it. Living, breathing, even if it hurt, but the joy they felt would comply with all that. If they survived it would just mean another day of struggling. Yet Arian wanted to struggle until her muscles were sore. No matter how many times she had believed she would be better off not being here. Now she simply wanted to create a great future. She wanted Sonticus to survive. Most of all she wanted her, and her family to continue being here until their very last breaths.

As Arian pulled her head down again, she caught her breath up. Shuffling her paws as she had stood up and her tail working to keep her balance. She supposed, it was time for bed. "You are free to choose any den you want inside, it's warmer than the outside. Goodnight, Avalon." Arian whispered, as she pressed into her for a moment. It was time to return to her mate, and perhaps have enough time to think about the events that had transpired to this day. She was glad that Vereux had shown Avalon to her pack. She felt that her life was going to change for the better from now.

-exit unless stopped-

"Talk" "You" Think
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.