
Facing History



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-06-2015, 02:53 PM

Avalon's ears twitched a bit when Arian's voice joined her own. Together, the created a song that was one of a kind. And although the melody wasn't of happiness nor jubilation, it expressed to the world what they were. This was the first time Avalon had truly been allowed to release herself. And when they finished, she'd breathe in deeply and had stopped her tears. She swallowed the hard lump that had found it's way in her throat, nearly choking her. But as she remained there for a few moments, it slowly began to fade. She continued looking at the stars, wondering if her mother and father were up there somewhere. "Thank you." She'd whisper to Arian, grateful for the company.

She'd watch Arian rise, the other woman deciding to go to bed. "You are free to choose any den you want inside, it's warmer than the outside. Goodnight, Avalon." Avalon nodded, watching Arian move off towards her den where her mate no doubt waited for her. "Good night." She breathed. Avalon remained outside for a time, watching the stars and allowing herself to register the fact that she was safe now. Safe... That word turned in her mind, over and over. She hadn't felt safe for a long time. Not since her family left. But now, she had a new family. Arian. The girl had shown her kindness despite being strangers in one another's eyes. But were they really strangers? Or had they already been connected through space and time? It seemed that way.

After sitting outside in the cold air for an hour longer or so, Avalon decided finally that she would go and find a place to call her own. She'd walk towards the deck, going to where the cabins were, but she kept well away from the one she had been prisoner in. The sights here were familiar, but the bad memories were drowned out by the new ones that would be created. Avalon chose a cabin, the one closest to the front of the deck on the left side of the ship. There, she found an old bed, moth eaten and worn with years of abandonment. And lying atop in disarray, a few blankets that had holes but looked usable. She moved towards the bed, climbing onto it and arranging the blankets until she was satisfied. And when she lied down, sleep gradually began to take over. Here she would, was home.



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