


04-03-2013, 11:14 PM

The laps of mind had sent her into a shudder. She hadn?t meant to assault the poor male. What had he done? He was a good sport about the whole ordeal and she couldn?t help the laugh that escaped her throat. He wanted a hug did he? Well, he earned the damn thing so she felt live being giving at the moment. She moved towards him and pushed her heavy velvet body against his raven one. She allowed their furs to mingle together for a moment before withdrawing from him. Her tail danced back and forth behind her as she heard his last words.

?I am the queen of Lantajin. The assassins pack. If you want to find your way into my heart then pledge your fealty to me. Come home with me and find your place among the mad.? She said with a smile. She needed to head home soon enough and a little company along the way would be nice. She had come to satisfy her thrust and she had done that and more. that was if he accepted her offer.

Ooc: OMG sorry its so tiny but I want to get this thread finished so we can get the pack meeting rolling and get some epic training/sparring threads up and running and maybe start another one on one with newt and Vaas.

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