
Internal clock



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-07-2015, 12:42 AM

The girl would take to venturing outside her borders. She had remained in Sonticus for the last few days, mostly in her den, and other times sitting outside getting what little sun she could as well as talking to Arian. She felt a little braver now, a little more hopeful that the events in her life were turning around finally. Though she was four years old already, she still had no mate. She had hoped that maybe she would have met someone by now, and she had a couple of years ago. But she had given up the opportunity and gone off on her search for her parents. It was a shame...she had connected for the first time, with someone else who had expressed his feelings for her. Though it made her heart heavy when she was leaving the lands, it was a choice that was out of her control.

The large girl stepped into lands that smelled as if a pack had been here before. And the pack scent was familiar. She had smelled it on Vereux, had they moved elsewhere? She was hoping to visit him, but it seemed he would not be here. A little disappointed, Avalon decided to explore a bit here. She climbed the rocks, enjoying the time spent in stretching her legs and getting her damaged leg up to par with the climbing. And it was as she climbed atop another rock, another wolf would be there. She had been absorbed in climbing and more or less in her thoughts, that she hadn't noticed the scent of the other female. She smelled like a pack wolf, so a loner was out of the question. "Oh, hello. Sorry to intrude, I didn't realize you were here." She looked apologetic, the girl ready to leave if the other woman chose for her to do so. But she was curious, and the possibility of meeting someone new fancied her. She missed being around others, being solitary was not what she had wanted. Ever.


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