
Is Everything Like it Seems?



13+ Years

Treat 2019
06-07-2015, 04:55 PM
Her words seemed to ignite him, fury became obvious in every aspect of him as his fur rose along his back and he did nothing to stop the snarl that overtook his features. Her eyes would widen as she watched him restrain his aggressions only slightly reigned in. There would be no answer to her question, but as he finally spoke her heart would begin to shatter. "You were special." He spat at her, "Trusted." There was obviously none left. She too had put her faith in him, to be a fair master and King. He'd rage about how she'd made him look in front of Soliloquy and her ears would fall to her skull, but it wasn't her that had shamed him. She'd will her legs to keep their strength as she stared down the same face that had torn Soliloquy open only a few days ago. "You meant more to me than my own brother," She'd admit in a whisper, how could she have chosen to live with Valentine over him if that had never been the case. Her voice was hoarse with the unshed tears she held back. Today she would feel the most terrible pain of her life. "I thought that I might have loved you," another gentle whisper would leave her, the she wolf a stark contrast to the raging giant across from her. "But you are not who I fell for." And that was it, she wanted to run away now. Where she didn't have any idea, but it was obvious she wouldn't be leaving here with out seeing the full wrath of a King for herself. She'd swallow hard, containing the urge to run for her life as she waited for the retribution. Her bright blue and purple gaze would close, she'd half hope he did take her life so that she wouldn't have to live with the knowledge that she'd succeeded in betraying every single wolf she cared for.

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