
Just what the hell do you think you're doing (CHALLENGE?!)



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-07-2015, 07:17 PM

The call rang out, and Esti found herself, for once, interested in the pack doings. She came to the area, thinking of why Cascade would challenge for such a spot. Esti had figured them to be similar in their love for Valentine, but accepting of their lack of exclusiveness. Had Cascade changed her mind? The thought surface, but Esti almost laughed. She didn't think the raven woman would ever try to make Valentine exclusive. The fact that she was calling a challenge made Esti want to answer it. She knew Cascade was the most qualified for the position, but she had no intention of just giving it away. Esti readied herself to answer the challenge and entered the clearing.

Surprise, surprise, Rhythm had answered the call before her. Esti wasn't disappointed in the slightest. She made her way to Valentine and called out to Cascade, "Hey, me next!" It wasn't that she didn't have much faith in Rhythm, it was just... she had less faith in Rhythm than in Cascade. What was the brown healer girl's position, anyway? She seemed too meek for Valentine. Was this his pet? Esti shot an interested, questioning look to Valentine. Surely neither of them would try to make Valentine their only mate, "Psst, Valentine? Will you still love me when this is over?" She questioned half-jokingly before turning to look at him, a toothy smile on her face, "Actually, you know what would be more fun than watching this fight?" Actually, probably nothing, but Esti reached a whisper between her teeth for only Valentine to hear, "Sleeping together." She looked away as if to play innocent, "Y'know, just a suggestion. Since the other two are tied up." Really this fight would probably be really fun to watch and Esti was invested. She was sure Valentine was too, however, she wouldn't turn him down if he went along with her suggestion. For now, Esti was equally thrilled at any outcome to this situation.
