
Is Everything Like it Seems?



13+ Years

Treat 2019
06-07-2015, 08:23 PM
This was a harsh lesson in humility for the Destruction girl, the gravity of her actions had been ignored when she'd performed them. She'd acted first and asked questions later. Valentine had to wield a great power, there could be no second guesses. He would not change, and could not if he intended to keep his pack strong. He could have bestowed upon her similar punishment and sent her on his way, but how much he cared for her would be more than apparent in his control over his actions. Valentine would remain silent for a long moment before wordlessly accepting her back. "I'm not going to change," She had to accept the darkness along with the light, life was ruthless and he'd seen much more of that than she could dream. To survive, and to be the strongest you had to be ruthless right back. It wasn't her place to act as she did, no matter how she felt about Soliloquy and his family.

She understood what he said, and would nod in acceptance. This was a lesson of life she had yet to face. While she had taken up her dwelling in the light she'd been blind to those dark happenings around her. "I want you to stay." She found herself stepping forward at his words, her stunned stupor drawing her towards him. She'd only take a step before stopping herself. She'd broken his trust, and couldn't know if she was still welcomed in his embrace. If she wanted to once again see the care free being he'd let her take a glimpse at she had to harden herself. She was Imperium's weak link. If she was weak, that reflected on Valentine. No matter how much he cared for her he couldn't be seen as weak. It wasn't all pride, it was necessity. "I'm sorry I failed you," she'd start, lowering her head apologetically. "Valen, you mean the world to me. I'll do anything I need to earn your trust back." She'd whisper her oath, knowing very well what it was she pledged. Her loyalty could not waiver again. She didn't doubt there were few wolves that received a second chance from the Imperator.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads