
The Mother's Pain.


04-03-2013, 11:47 PM

Things were becoming irritating far too fast. Cyanide had betrayed them and had swapped allegiances to Valhalla. Morphine hadn't managed to keep the traitor in Tortuga. That was fine. If Cyanide showed her face in Tortuga again they would torture her. Then murder her. Her death would be a painful one. The girl had so much potential, yet she chose to waste it in Valhalla. Cyanide would soon learn that they had no use for an Assassin. Her loyalties would switch once more and she'd only piss them off.

Then there was Neo. Nnoitra had a fit on the battlefield whole fighting for the boy. The male had become ill right before his battle even started and he passed out. Some worry still coursed through Kaien's veins. He wouldn't let anyone see it, but he cared for his old man. At least enough to be worried when the seven year old, skeletal looking wolf passed out randomly. Tortuga had only one healer. Perhaps the healer would have a look at him later. He still didn't know what to do with the young man Luce had brought to him. Things had become complicated and Valhalla obviously wanted him back, but for what reason? Kaien saw no problem in letting the boy stay. That is, if it was really what he wanted.

No doubt they'd come and challenge for Neo. This time no one would fight for him. Certainly not the ex-King. Kaien refused to allow Nnoitra to fight again and Kaien himself would not. It was petty squabbling over wolves and he wasn't quite sure if Neo's allegiances wouldn't swap again. Neo's test to prove his loyalties would to fight for his right to stay. If he won, then he of course could stay. If he lost, then himself or another member would step in and defend him. He'd call all of Tortuga if he had to. It was pointless bickering. He had to agree with Nnoitra on that. Free will seemed to have vanished along with the old lands they lived in, melted away with the lava.

Tortuga also faced another problem. Other's seemed to forget that they were a neutral evil pack, yet they seemed to expect so much more from them. Idiots. They'd sit back and have no problem insulting him for not fighting for Cyanide, yet they were hypocrites. No one had actually shown up yet for Neo. That was fine. He wouldn't stoop to their levels of childish behavior with the insults and the mockery. Tortuga was still Tortuga. Nothing had changed. Their perception was off. They kept to themselves and that was that. The rest of the world could go fuck themselves.

A call could be heard and it took the silver male a moment to realize who was calling him. Erani. The Valhallan healer that he had a conversation with when Valhalla had taken him prisoner. God that day had pissed him off! If he'd had his way he wouldn't have been anywhere near Valhalla. Stupid bastard... His lip curled up in a snarl at the thought before it lowered. He had no time to ponder such things. The girl called and his curiosity was piqued. What on earth could she want from him?

He set out upon the call. Large pads brought him swiftly to her pallid form. He made no motion to hide himself. Stealth was not needed today. Fiery orbs studied her, wondering why she could have summoned him. He was intrigued by her still. Death had entered her dreams and warned her of the carnage that was to befall their old home. He didn't know a single wolf with those abilities. Still, when he'd been released from Valhalla he doubted that they would ever meet again. Certainly not on an encounter in which she called him to her.

He came to a halt and pressed her hind quarters into the dirt, wrapping his tail loosely around his haunch. Ears pricked forward and his head cocked slightly to the left as he gave her a quizzical look. Words probably weren't needed but he gave them anyways.

"You rang Erani?"
