
A Wonderful Day For Gathering [Training Preston ]



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-04-2013, 12:03 AM
Erani grinned. ?Not yet.? Names. What would they name them? Possibilities swam through her head as she walked, the flow stopped as Preston brought her back. His question received an amused chuckle. ?To be quite honest, I think he knew well before they even started moving. He?s been hunting like a wolf possessed for weeks now. And every time I would complain that I was getting fat, he?d get extremely happy.? She grinned softly

She stopped by a stream at the edge of the meadow. Stands of white Willow, heavy carpets of Watercress, and aromatic stands of Blue Iris grew in abundance along this stream. ?This is White willow. It can be used to stem internal bleeding, treat Arthritis, and joint pain. To treat high fevers, the wolf suffering it must consume a dose. This also helps relieve headaches.? She showed him how to strip the bark from it in a way that wouldn?t kill the tree. Then she turned to the Watercress.

?This is Watercress. It helps to eliminate foul breathe, and soothe swollen gums. It also helps to ease anxiety and ease Headaches. It can aid in purifying the blood, and can cure ringworms. It also is helpful in wounds. ? Gathering Cress was easy. It grew wild along the stream side. She bent and took a mouthful and pulled The mouthful came away, dripping water. She shook her head and water slung in all directions. She deposited the bundle on the shore and lapped at the cool stream before making her way back to the shore.

Her attention turned to the Iris. ?This is Blue Flag, or Iris. It?s good for treating pain and bad wounds. In small doses, it can be used to ease vomiting and Nausea. But beware. Do not, under any circumstances, give it to a pregnant female. We will leave this for you to collect. The roots are the most commonly used part.? She stretched and turned away once he had gathered the roots.