
Here without you baby



5 Years
06-08-2015, 08:09 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It felt like a heavy weight had lifted off of her shoulders when Glacier answered her, accepting her decision without argument. She had thought he might try; he knew family was important to her, as important as it was to him, and that leaving them would be a challenging, difficult thing to do. He had not tried to press it, nor had he really made any intentional temptations about the thought, but Anais felt as if she had been right about the prospect of them living together being appealing to the both of them. It made her smile in both relief and happiness, and her tail beat softly against the ground behind her as she sealed her fate. She was going to move to Donostrea and live with Glacier. It was possibly the most thrilled she had felt in some time.

But in the same instant, she was nervous. Her mind was made up, she had no intentions of backing out of her decision or allowing anyone to change her mind, but she was not free to simply leave as easily as that. She owed her family an explanation, needed to tell them of Glacier, his importance to her, and her desire to follow him to where he lived. They'll understand, right? she wondered nervously, her head lowering thoughtfully while her ears shifted to display her inner uncertainty. They were the most important individuals in her life. She hated to think that she might disappoint them by following where her heart wished to go.

She tried to shake the uneasiness with a smile as she reached forward and pressed her cheek to the mountainous blue wolf's, closing her eyes and basking in his presence, his warmth, his love. He was so strong, so sure all the time; she wished she had even a fraction of that self same confidence and comfort. Drawing back, her golden eyes sought out his silver, trying to her best to mimic the strength that he exuded so flawlessly but finding that she fell short on her own. But with him... "Will there when I tell them?" she asked, requesting his presence when she gave the big news to her brothers and sister. Having him there to remind her of her choice and the certainty in it would undoubtedly help her along. The golden wolf shifted her weight slightly, looking hopeful and nervous all at once. "I'd really like for you to meet them."
Art by Arin

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.