
Come At Me, Bro!



4 Years
06-08-2015, 08:18 PM
OOC: Dragon confirmed that Warja bit into the top of Zell's left shoulder.

The pair collided. Zell's attempt to place them head on was successful. He intercepted her shoulder throw and bone met bone between them. The force of the shoulder strike and subsequent shove forward by Zell was enough to cause Warja to skid backwards in the snow, but she dug her nails in and resisted. Bracing herself, Warja's widened stance, bent knees, splayed toes, dug in nails and lowered center of gravity kept her from being flipped over backwards. Instinctively her tail straightened out behind her to help keep her balance. A fierce burning took up residence in her left shoulder and promised a moderate bruise along the point of contact later.

Warja's foreleg punch was somewhat successful. Because he'd moved to place them head on, instead of striking the inside of Zell's left foreleg her paw slammed into the front of his right foreleg at the midway point between his elbow and ankle. Her nails glanced off his leg, creating light welts in their wake, and light bruising would later blossom where her paw had struck. After the attack Warja returned her forepaw to the ground.

Blood filled her mouth as Warja managed to achieve a grip on the top forward facing side of her opponent's left shoulder. Her bite was deep, causing moderate damage, and hoping to worsen the wound, Warja attempted to keep her hold by trying to force her jaws closed and vigorously shaking her head from side to side. She sought to make the damage severe, to tear through the skin and fat and drive her teeth into the muscle below.

Zell's bite attempt was successful, his teeth sinking into Warja's scruff right in front of her shoulders. They created moderate puncture wounds, but given the loose, fatty nature of the scruff, Warja was unconcerned. The bite, while restrictive, didn't give him a damning amount of control over her movements.

Feeling the shift in Zell's weight as he moved to raise his right forepaw, Warja sought to intercept his paw swipe by raising her own left forepaw (her weight redistributing as she did so) and attempting to slam it down on top of his right forepaw as it moved in for the swipe. She hoped to shove his paw to the ground and pin it there, and painfully squash his toes in the process. [counter; damage pending]

Curling her left shoulder further in, Warja attempted to drive it into the front of Zell's right shoulder. There wasn't enough distance between them to really pack a punch, but she was hoping that she could take advantage of the pain already inflicted. Intending to use the undamaged outer side of her left shoulder, Warja hoped to strike the bony front of her opponent's right shoulder in the exact same place as before.

Through this her remaining defenses stayed unchanged. Warja's ears were pinned, her eyes narrowed and her muzzle and forehead wrinkled to bunch the skin around her eyes. Along her back, the fae's hackles stood on end. She held herself rigidly, muscles tensed and ready to act or react depending on what happened next.

WARJA versus ZELL for SPAR
Round TWO of TWO
