
Bringing home the Misses



5 Years
06-08-2015, 08:34 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Anais was unsure whether she walked or floated along beside Glacier as he led her along the trail from where she had been waiting in the wilds of the east back into the south and to the shoreline that his family called home. She half suspected she did not touch the ground, though neither was she really observant of the placement of her paws as her eyes continuously shifted to the side to peer sidelong at the large, impressive figure of the wolf beside her. He distracted her completely, and the elated state of her mood only made matters worse. Everything could not have gone better when she had told her family about wanting to live with the wolf who had so quickly become her best friend, and their reassurances had only helped to solidify her mind. She had made the right decision. Her place was going to be in Donostrea with Glacier, and nothing was going to make her happier.

He seemed to suffer from the same sort of mood, grinning from ear to ear and occasionally reaching over to nuzzle her as they walked. The loving gestures only ceased once they reached the pack lands, and the ecstatic young she-wolf was very aware of the moment they crossed the borderline. She even glanced over one shoulder as if she could see it behind her, a physical thing demarcating the boundary of her new home. It's really happening, she thought to herself in awe, I'm really a part of his pack now. And she would not have to be away from him again.

A little bit of nerves seeped into her the further within the territory they walked, and she half expected to see one of Glacier's numerous siblings at every turn. There were so many of them, it seemed impossible that they should be able to sneak in unnoticed, but that was exactly what they managed to do. Her new love must have known his territory - and family - well because they saw no one and were able to approach the caverns that comprised the family's densite without notice, and on the threshold of those openings she was offered her own.

"My own den?" She was not sure why she was so surprised; she was going to need somewhere to sleep after all. Anais had not quite thought so far ahead yet, however, and the notion caught her off guard, as well because a part of her had suspected to get to spend her nights with the wolf who had drawn her here in the first place. She followed him within one of the dens, her golden eyes already scoping out the inside by the time he told her it was his. Instantly she committed it to memory and knew it would stay in her thoughts as a particularly important place. I know where to find him now. But where will he find me?

She needed someplace of her own - Glacier seemed certain of that - but her desire to stay closer to the wolf made her uncertain. She stopped within the large cavern, looking around her at the comfy, cozy accommodations, before she turned and settled her gaze upon Glacier with a sheepish little smile. "Are there open ones nearby?" she asked. Was it too much to hope she might get a den near his, where she might not need to travel far to reach him? He had so much family and they had all been here for so much longer that she felt a realistic doubt in being so lucky. Surely Voltage was nearby, and some of his other siblings who were close with him. How close can I get, she wondered.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.