
Life Changing



5 Years
06-08-2015, 09:00 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

As expected, Glacier conducted himself like a gentleman, offering kind greetings to both her sister and brother, and as she looked toward him she felt she loved him more. There was no denying the little guilty sense she had in her for dragging him through this, for asking that he meet with her family and be there to support her in her choice to be with him, but it only attested his own feelings for her that he had agreed. Anais felt lucky, incredibly lucky, to have caught his eye, to have her feelings for him reciprocated, and to know that he would be there when this was all over to pick up the pieces that would undoubtedly be left of her once this conversation was over.

Her brother, unexpectedly, seemed happy. Anais had not expected it in the least - if anything, she had been worried he would be defensive and guarded with remembrances of the last time she had brought a male home to her family worrying his mind. But he had been more observant than she had thought him to be, noticing every time she had run off adventuring with her friend and how she would return in good spirits and never any worse for their outings. It made her smile and filled her with gladness. Things were going well.

The same sort of contentment could not be said of Lior, however. Where Nako came off as resigned, Lior was despairing, downtrodden. It was very much unlike how the elder sister liked to see her sibling, and it concerned her considerably. Maybe now had not been a good time. Maybe she should have ensured she was comfortable in a pack somewhere before making her decision. But it had been made - Glacier loved her! - and she could not go back on it, not when she wanted to be with him so badly. Anais felt stuck between duty to her family and duty to her heart, conflicted though there was nothing to be done for it. It still did not make her feel any better, however.

Her ears had turned to pin themselves against her skull, and her bright eyes grew misty with unshed tears as she was confronted blatantly by both brother and sister, a straightforward yes or no question laying everything bare. "I am," she answered quietly, her voice wobbly under her emotional strain. She did not want this to be a sad thing; she had hoped they would be happy for her, wish her well and send her on her way with smiles and perhaps tears of happiness for the joy she had found in this wolf at her side. Anais blinked, willing the tears away, as she turned her gaze upon her brother and spoke a little more solidly, "There is. Donostrea, in the south. Glacier leads it with his brother." There was so much she wanted to tell them, so much she wanted to explain about Glacier, his pack, his family, but she hardly knew where to begin. What was the right thing to say to make everything better? What could she say to ease whatever distressed both Lior and Nako? She wished she knew, but instead all she could manage to do was look between them with a look that was nearly pleading, and at the last second muttered quietly, "I know I said I'd stay but...I love him."

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.