
Let's Call This My Homecoming



04-04-2013, 01:30 AM

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Frayer regarded the new female intruding on their conversation with the same grin that he regarded everything else with. It would take much more from her than a few blusterous words to affect him visibly in the least. However much she tried to insult and sow distrust in him, he could only find humor in the illogic of her arguments in at least two places. "It's obvious who has a 'mind enough' between the two of us!" he thought, eliciting a chuckle from himself as she finished speaking.

He never got the chance to tell her just what he thought - maybe for the better - as Newt had taken the next chance to talk from him, presenting him with an offer for a different rank. ?Lead Vei?i...? he said while thinking aloud. Lead Spy, basically. It had a good ring to it, and it was... somewhat a position of power, even if it were lower than that he aimed for. Many ideas whirred around in Frayer's mind; he weighed and calculated all possibilities for how this may end. He had several options but they were each a gamble, the outcomes varying from becoming the beta today, as he desired, to becoming dead today...

The safe bet would be to accept the offer. He would at least obtain some status, and it would make future attempts to reach beta more successful... but then it would mean he would have to actually work to achieve his rank, something he never thought he would do! Perhaps it was time for the black wolf to pick up some work ethic, as it may just be worth it in the end. Maybe he could just think of it all as something he would put a lot of effort into, like a good trick.

"I will accept your offer proudly, my alpha..." said Frayer with a bow, for a moment even looking serious, "And when you find you have no more competent a follower than I to be your beta male, I will accept that offer as well."

"And you..." he said while swinging his head towards the other of two females there, "whoever you are, I look forward to proving you wrong." With a low laugh, he added, "I mean that respectfully... of course..."

"So, am I dismissed, my Queen Slayer?"

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