
Something Fun



5 Years
06-09-2015, 12:01 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was still mulling over her options, lost in thought, when she heard the large, heavy footfalls of her brother. There was no hiding who it was - no one could make quite the sound that he could when they moved, and though an ear flickered at first in recognition of it Gale made no motion otherwise to hint that she had heard him, that she knew he was approaching. Keeping her thoughts on the task at hand - Something fun, something fun... - was considerably more difficult though, her mind now distracted by the presence who quietly approached. Still she tried to think of what she could do, of fun things that she had yet to try within their seaside home, but she gave it up when she sensed and only vaguely saw the massive blue-black shape of her brother settle in beside her.

Her grey-green eyes remained fixed on the waters ahead, and the slight motion of her brother from the corner of her eye was all the warning she had before she felt the heavy weight of his head plop down upon her own, squishing her ears against her skull and causing her to shrink just a little under the weight. Unable to help herself, she grinned, bright with amusement as her brother professed to catching the wind. It was something of an old joke by now - along with a lot of the other airhead remarks that could have been made about her - but time did not seem to dull the humor in it for her. "Oh yeah?" she challenged, wriggling a little as she struggled to turn her head toward Glacier though he still had his resting atop her own, "not if the wind catches you instead!"

It was futile, but she sat back upon her hind legs and reached upward with her forepaws anyway, attempting to wrap them around her brother's big, bulky neck. If he had moved his head, she might have tried leaping atop him completely, but in her current position this was the best that she could muster.