
Don't you dare [MEETING]



4 Years
06-09-2015, 06:02 PM

Arian would wait, as many members arrived. Though, ones that were missing, stayed missing. Mirabelle was excused from this meeting, Arian had seen her prior so she would not in trouble. However, Ixionn she expected more from. Even the new members were showing more initiative. As she saw Avalon, her anger drew down a bit, and at the last moment Cypress appeared. It made Arian smile, mouth open slightly and tail wagging, though it stopped a little when she noticed how.... sad he looked. Crystalline eyes focusing on Hakku for a moment she would smile softly at him. "I'll take a look at that wound after the meeting Hakku. No need to feel ashamed." she moved her eyes to Cypress. Looking worriedly, as she decided for a moment to get down from her perch and nuzzle him on the cheek. "There is nothing to worry about love." she whispered before returning to her spot and sighing. Now, was for official business. She was, indeed still angry at many members of the pack.

"Welcome Sonticus to our second meeting." Arian would begin. "I have something very important to speak to you all about. And it's about the recent activity in the pack, or lack there of. I've been very lenient as of late, but I am very disappointed in some of you. Only a few of you, not even half have been showing an effort to get involved in the pack. I want you to understand clearly that I will not be tolerating this farther. We all need to pull an effort into this pack for it to work. Kreft, Avalon, Cypress, Hakku, and Amachi are doing the best they can to provide for this pack." Her voice was stern and serious. Giving a soft sigh she shook her head, "Anyway now that I've gotten that out of the way I have a few announcements and something to discuss with you all." She nodded her head to kreft.

"Recently we had spars as you know, between me and Kreft I have deducted that through his efforts he is being promoted to the fighters commander despite being a rank as a runner. He had shown much valor and respect for this pack." Arian would look to Avalon and smile, and to Cypress as well. "It's time that we choose our cabinet members. I promptly nominate Avalon and Cypress for these positions. Remember our cabinet is made of three members who represent the pack and help run it. They vote upon who the beta will be as well. Speak up now for who you think will be the most qualified. Otherwise if you have no objections Cypress and Avalon will be given the positions." She shifted slightly. "And the last thing I must share, is soon we will be holding our annual lightning festival in the honor of the god Denki. However it is not a religious event as you may think. The festival I will be invited Fiori and Abaven to, while no spars will be taking place there will be a group hunt and a race to celebrate. I would implore you to participate." Arian finished her talking, as she watched the members of the pack carefully. Seeing what would happen next.

ooc: It is not required to post after this unless you have an opinion on the council members being appointed. Feel free to nominate someone else. If you do not post Arian will assume you have no objections to Avalon and Cypress' promotion and they will receive the ranks. You have until tomorrow (around noon) to post because I'd like to get this done quickly.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.