
all those things left unsaid


04-04-2013, 10:39 AM

((Friction is sorry for bailing and I?m sorry for the no internets D: please forgive me!!!))

How many months had passed? He couldn't even remember, couldn't think past the beautiful white female that had called for a male and had found him. Somehow they had found each other. She had even agreed that if she did somehow have children that she would allow him the privilege to see them. He wanted to see them, to be a part of their life in a way that his father was never a part of his. He didn't want it to be just some one night stand to help a girl out and then to leave her hanging, to leave her on her own with these children. But he had run like a coward, momentarily paralyzed by the idea of joining a pack for her. She had never asked but it had been the only way for him to be there for the birth of her children. She was too good to him, too perfect, to ask him to do that. He had been alone for almost 2 years, shying away from others and purposefully avoiding his own kind as best her could. But when she had howled, oh that howl, he had been drawn towards it would barely even a second thought. His mother had raised him right, taught him to be a gentleman and even if she hadn?t wanted to mate with him he would have stayed with her until someone else had come to make sure she was safe. But she had mated with him, had accepted him as her first lover and now that ghost of a female haunted his every step.

Head lowered slowly as he came closer to the Valhalla boarder, it had taken him some time to get up the courage to do what he was about to do. But if he ever wanted to move on with his life and be happy again then maybe this was the way to go, even if she didn?t want him to join her pack he would beg and plead her forgiveness. He had left her there but if she would let him he would never leave her again? He stopped almost 100 meters outside of the boarder, not wanting to trespass and anger her alpha and slowly sank to his haunches. There was a weariness about him, a slight sag to his shoulder that suggested a hard few months. But he didn?t waste time now, tossing his head back before he lost what courage he had and howling a brief song. Unlike the one he had hear Aislyn sing this one called for her and her alone. Despite his worry over her opinion of him since their last meeting he couldn?t help the small smile that curled up the edges of his lips at the thought of her and the mental image he was already forming of her coming through the brush to his call.