
Kissed By Silence



4 Years
06-10-2015, 01:19 PM
Something drew her here. Perhaps a wicked sorcerer cast a spell on her to lure her from her usual paths. Her usual paths being bright, cheerful places flooded with all forms of active life. But this place, was just silent. No birds fluttered across the landscape, no rabbits scurried through the bushes. Though, trees were plentiful here to keep her company; however, trees just do not seem to make good conversations.

Ana dropped her base to Earth's frozen surface. Head tilted curiously at what lied in front of her. The idea of turning back did weight heavily on her mind, but something still pulled her against her will. Still tilted head lowered so eyes could watch the rolling fog lap at her feet as if it were an ocean of clouds. Left paw would raise and gently swipe the mist in interest to see if it would move the way water does. This was the young lady's first encounter with fog and she was not quite sure what to make of the substance. She huffed a soft sigh, the only sound to break the silence as she debated her next move.Her youthful curiosity was overwhelming and so she would trek forward to see what she could find. Surely this place could not be as bad as it looked.

Mist enshrouded, chocolate frame would dance forward. Snow flakes had begun falling again, painting her back in a white sheet. She hummed a soft tune to herself to shatter the ringing in her ears. An interesting spot seemed to open up to the left, a trail that was covered in thorns. But the hard-to-get-to places always seemed to hide the best secrets. Ana, without thinking, turned down the path - thorns scratching her just did not phase the gal anymore. She had grown used to the small pains that came from exploration. Though, as she continued she could not help but feel as if she were being watched. Maybe her sorcerer or sorceress was more than just a passing thought.