
the morning after



06-10-2015, 01:51 PM

He didn't want to pry, but the King seemed unusually unnerved by the presence of a storm. Perhaps he'd had a bad experience, or perhaps he was among the many that just plain disliked them. Whatever the case, Shaw would have to try to keep his excitement in check. He, after all, loved storms. Valentine explained that his choice for cover differed depending on the specifics of how close the storm was and how bad it might be. However, trees were never a good choice. Shaw knew that much. Valentine then offered to let him stay with his sister, if he wanted. Shaw shook his head (perhaps more violently than he'd intended). "If I go back now she'll just wake up, it's better if I let her sleep." Truth be told, he'd been with her for days now and as much as he loved her - the boy wanted and needed a break. Miliani was needy to begin with, and when she was sick she was a bit of a pain. He liked taking care of her, but not every second of the day. There were important things to be done, like forging a bond with a few of the pack members harboring them.

An ear flickered back, suddenly realizing that he may have presented himself as a burden upon the King. "But I can go somewhere on my own, if you need to do something else." He didn't want Valentine thinking that he couldn't even find shelter on his own. He was capable of a great many things, and finding shelter was rather low on the list. Thunder continued to rumble and roll in the distance, the claps getting closer together - and closer to them. He had yet to see any direct lightning strikes, so that meant they had at least a little time to escape the onslaught if and when they decided to.


Miliani is permitted to enter any thread Shaw is involved in.