
Just what the hell do you think you're doing (CHALLENGE?!)



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
06-10-2015, 02:14 PM

Cas was amused by the antics of her packmates who appeared (which were numerous but her author is too lazy to reply to) but for a while it seemed she would not be challenged for the position after all which was... a disappointment. Valentine's teasing question gave her pause - was that the impression she gave? That everything she did, she did just for her own amusement? She did have a reason beyond just a giggle and play... but of course rather than clearing it up she just answered his teasing with a simple "Got to keep things interesting for Imperium, don't I?" But then lo! a Rhythm Destruction appeared, and Cascade's muzzle gaped in a grin that was decidedly... predatory. Esti chimed in with a "me next" (which earned a wink from Cas) and started trying to lure him into going off to make out while they were busy (which earned a snort of laughter and a dramatic rolling of Cascade's eyes) but Cascade wouldn't be distracted by the teasing. She had a job to do, didn't she?

Settling into her defenses, she slid her paws to a distance of a little over shoulder- and hip-width apart for a more solid stance, her joints bending to lower her center of gravity even as they went loose for more freedom of movement. Her weight she shifted to be evenly distributed to all four paws, her toes spreading for greater surface area, and her claws digging into the ground, ready to propel her into motion. Her shoulders she shrugged to loosen them, then rolled them forward as she drew back her head to bunch the skin of her scruff into rolls of fur and skin and fat. Her hackles rose, her tail leveling with her spine and her head dropping to complete the perfect line as her chin tilted in to protect her throat. Her ears dropped against her skull, her eyes narrowing though she made no attempt to wrinkle the skin of her face with still-healing wounds from her previous fight with Valen.

"You know I won't go easy on you," she laughed at Rhythm, sent a mental "sorry, Valen" toward the alpha, and then leaped forward.

Attempting to approach the smaller woman head on in bounding leaps, keeping it simple so they could finish this without her needing to chase the girl around for hours, she curved her left shoulder to the fore and sought to slam the sharp point of it upward into Rhythm's upper trachea, the front of her throat immediately under jawline, in an attempt to crush the girl's windpipe there. Hey, she'd said she wasn't going to go easy on her, right?

Simultaneously she attempted to bring her right forepaw down on top of Rhythm's left forepaw with a somewhat diagonal force from the center of the paw down toward the interior, seeking to drive the inner toes sideways as she pressed down in the hopes of cracking bones or harming the joints.

As she did, her head twisted toward her left side, seeking to land a bite on the top of Rhythm's back immediately behind her shoulders - with her upper teeth on the right side of Rhythm's spine and her lower jaw on the left side of Rhythm's spine - in an attempt to dig her teeth into the spine in the hopes of damaging the vertebrae enough to leave the girl in constant pain and gain a hard enough grip there with which to attempt to control her movements.

CASCADE vs RHYTHM for RANK (et uxor)
Round 1/3

Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

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