
sticking my nose where it doesn't belong



06-10-2015, 02:20 PM
Amethyst eyes had opened bright and early that morning. He'd explored most of the cool morning away, and he could begin to feel the gentle warmth of the sun on his back, signaling that it was somewhere around noon. His paws had involuntarily carried him to the knolls in his wandering, and he found himself close to the den he and his sister shared. They were getting to the point where they would have to separate soon, as they both had been growing like weeds now that they had a regular food supply. His skin still hung slack in some areas, but he had started to put on a little bit of fat and muscle. Ideally, he would have been nearly his adult size by now, but alas, he was only about three quarters of what he would ultimately grow to be.

He kept on walking, straight past the den they shared and further into the knolls. The small creek that he often drank from was on his right, and his ear flickered toward it idly as he passed it - moving toward.. he didn't know where. A boulder rose up in his vision like a great mountain ( at least it appeared a lot larger from how far away he was ). He picked up an easy trot and moved toward it, lining his figure up so that when he got close enough he could leap on top of it with ease. Moments passed and finally it was time to jump. His back legs coiled and sprang, launching him upward and outward until he was soaring up and onto the boulder. He landed hard, harder than he'd intended, and his momentum carried him over the other side of the boulder and into a pile on the hard earth below. "Oof!" he sputtered, the wind having been knocked out of him. Well, hopefully nobody saw that.


OOC; He just jumped onto... and fell off of the boulder that acts as part of her den :3
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