
Playing the Victim

Bronze i


12 Years
04-04-2013, 11:33 AM

Sleep had came far more easily than he ever expected. The pleasant rays of the sun lulled him quickly to sleep, caressing his face and warming his soul. How easily his mind wandered into unconsciousness, familiar faces greeting him, haunting him. This time, though, he was free from nightmares, instead greeted by joyful faces, rejoicing in his presence. How he longed to see his children, to know they were safe and sound. Still he mourned the loss of his third born child, his son... how cruel life was, taking away such a perfect creature. Only in sleep did the boy live on, only in sleep could he feel Artemis's warm fur against his own. The boy would remain forever engrained in his memory, forever a child, a symbol of all that was innocent and right in the world. A symbol of what he had lost, and what he could never gain back.

Slowly the return of Loccian brought him back to consciousness. Eyelids opened wearily, revealing foggy hazel eyes. The brute lifted his head, amazed at the absence of pain in his neck. He was quite sore, but no longer did the pain resemble a red-hot fire burning beneath his skin. "Don't apologize," he spoke, his voice gruff from sleep. Quietly he cleared his throat, eyes drifting to watch the bundle of plants she dropped nearby. "I can't say a nap wasn't greatly needed." He watched, grinning slightly when she revealed the squirrels she'd killed for them. Not only was Loccian kind, clearly worried for his health, but she'd went out of her way to get him something to eat.

The male's ebony nose twitched slightly; Loccian's scent seemed different than it had earlier. Perhaps he had simply been too exhausted to property examine her scent, or too ravaged with pain... but the female was clearly in heat, her sweet scent told him that much. Did she even realize it? It seemed likely she didn't. "Thank you, very much, Loccian... really, you didn't need to do any of this." With only the slightest bit of hesitance he shifted himself forward to snatch up one of the rodents between his jaws. The smile didn't seem to fade as he tore into the small creature before him; he was far hungrier than he had realized.