
and they call you crazy?


04-04-2013, 11:41 AM
Quote:((course language advisory))

It was unbearably hot here, the heat was sweltering and the once gushing river had dried up to nothing more than a thin trickle. The spring flood waters had raged for almost a week but then nothing, not a single drop of rain to quench the thirst of this now dying land. When she had found this place she had thought that they would never have drought; that the run off from the mountains would always support them but it seemed she had been wrong. And now what? Did they wait it out and hope everything would go well? Or did they move with the prey and try and find a better place elsewhere? She remembered a time of being alone, being a rouge and wandering the lands aimlessly in search of game to hunt. Then she had followed the herds without a second thought, it had been something she had never questioned but now... This was their home and could they leave it? Could they pack up and go into rouge lands for a time so they could be closer to water? Zara had started walking back and forth from the nearest water source but as her vision faded more and more she found that task so difficult now. Maybe she would ask Newt for her assistance? Yes that sounded like a brilliant idea. Now where was the old girl? Probably off banging her new boyfriend? Lip curled at that thought and head dropped back to the earth was a grunt. Fucking bitch and her stupid ass boy toy?

The day found Zara in the river bed, damming up what little water trickled through the rocky surface and headed for where ever it was going. They needed a heavy rainfall soon or they would be forced to leave. She wondered vaguely for a moment if Newt realized that or if she was too busy with her newfound love life? Again she groaned, forcing her eyes closed as she tried to shake the visions of it out of her mind. Kaios? God she hated him. She heaved herself to the left a bit and then flopped down onto the thin trickle once more, trying to get as much of her dark coat wet as possible. She was probably doing more harm than good to herself out here. Though the cool water eventually soaked her thick pelt the hot summer sun beat down on her still dry side and just made her hotter. There really was no winning here but she was too far gone to realize just what she was doing to herself. Already blurry vision swam, shapes and figures moving around her as she squinted to try and see who it was. No scents drifted towards her so logically she knew that no one was around but still she watched them.

They were not wolves, that much she could tell from the shape. Tall lanky creatures that walked hunched over on their hind legs with arms dragging on the ground. Faces were oblong but shifting in shape and finally she rolled herself up, not realizing that she had been chuckling to herself the whole time she was watching these hallucinations. She was in desperate need of water but she couldn?t lower her head to drink what little there was; though that would do little to help with her thirst. These things? What were they? The massive woman dragged herself to her paws, staggering her way out of the riverine as she moved for them. They scattered awkwardly and Zara darted after one but as she moved to snap her jaws around it it vanished. Confusion rocked her back onto her haunches as head lolled about, weariness and dehydration giving her little to no control over her muscles. Shade? It sounded nice but she wanted to stay and dance with these creatures. Maybe she would be able to get close enough to know what it was. And how had she never seen them before? Curious, just? curious indeed? Laughter bubbled up her throat once more as she sat, head lolling side to side as she began to hum.