
Just what the hell do you think you're doing (CHALLENGE?!)



13+ Years

Treat 2019
06-10-2015, 10:31 PM
Sunday will be my best day to get my next post done <3

Rhythm couldn't listen to the chatter that went on around them, she was vaguely aware of Esti and the comment made to Cascade, but even less aware of Kyarst's arrival. Her focus had to be on Cascade, she had to win this. There would be no next turn. Her narrowed gaze wouldn't leave Cascades form, even with plenty of room between them she couldn't let her eyes off the other woman. Already her ears had fallen to her skull, her lips were pulled back as she exposed her fangs to the other woman. Rhythm would widen her stance slightly as she rolled her shoulders forward and bent her knees. She'd tuck her chin to couple with her scrunched neck splaying her toes she'd dig her claws into the dirt readying herself to save her traction. Rhythm's head would lower as she aligned her tail with her spine. "If you'd said anything else I wouldn't have believed you." She'd call back through her teeth as Cascade came rushing forwards.

Rhythm wouldn't waste anytime and as Cascade started to move Rhythm would attempt to also run at her opponent. However the girl's small form was not as easy to hit as what a larger target might be. At the last moment Rhythm would want to veer to her right and evade Cascade's attacks. She wasn't quite as fast as she thought though, Cas's pointed shoulder would land on Rhythm's left hip. Bone would collide with bone as a severe bruise blossomed where Rhythm's hip bone protruded from her side. She couldn't help but to pick up her leg at the pain, (and Redistributing the rest of her weight to the remaining three legs) and with that movement she'd mostly avoid Cascade's stomp. The other woman's claws were able to strike her inner two toes, causing an annoying scrape. Rhythm would also feel teeth at her rump as the purple woman's jaws clasped at her hips. She'd receive moderate puncture wounds in the fleshy part of her lower back as Cascade took hold of her.

A growl like none she'd ever uttered would bubble up from her chest as she felt the other woman draw first blood, but she wasn't about to stop now. She'd grit her exposed teeth through the pain and would attempt to slam down her left rear foot down on Cascade's extended right front foot. Rhythm would have very much been pleased by the sound of bone breaking beneath her as she aimed to stomp directly down at the woman's outer two toes. For added measure she'd try to scrape her claws down Cas's right foreleg on their way into her stomp.

At the same time she'd shift 75% of her weight into her left side, wanting to aid in her stomp as well as use the momentum to shove the pointed side of her left shoulder into Cascade's left side stomach. She'd aim right behind the woman's lower left ribcage wanting to drive her shoulder into the soft flesh, aiming for severe bruising and to drive the breath from her opponent. As well Rhythm would take aim for Cascade's spine. Rhythm wanted to tilt her head to the right (face pointing toward's Cascade's tail) and attempted to grab with her top jaws the left side of Cas's lower spine, a few inches above her hips while Rhythm's lower jaws sought purchase on the right side parallel to her upper jaw. Rhythm would want to bite down hard on her lower vertebrae, she'd want to sink her teeth deep into the flesh and cause massive pain, spinal contusions, and hopefully giving her more control over the larger wolf.
Cascade v Rhythm for Rank (Et Uxor) round 1 of 3  

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads