
I Wanna Know



8 Years
Dragon Mod
06-10-2015, 11:38 PM
He had fallen into the lightest of slumbers. The beginnings of dreams about his father starting to appear in his head. And with them, images of his mother...or at least, who he always thought was his mother. He had always known Pamela to be his mother...but the information he had learned recently had sent him into a near state of shock. The boy was thrust into a world where he couldn't tell truth from lie now. What the hell was he supposed to think? Much less do?

An ear twitched when he heard voices, Shiki's head lifted, turning to see who might be wandering towards him. He had thought this place was free from any disturbances, but it would seem not. He wrapped his tail around his haunches for a minute, debating if he should stand and leave, which meant he'd have to walk past the strangers, or stay where he was and hope they'd the end, he wasn't sure what to do. He always grasped at the chance to meeting new people, but with his current emotions swirling like a typhoon over an endless ocean, and his state of mind going wild like a rogue lightning storm, he had no idea what to do. With a quiet sigh, the smallish bear boy would pick himself up and turn to face the strangers. His hind feet just inches from the edge, though he didn't particularly seem to care right now.

Honey colored optics glanced at them, ears back slightly as he was unsure about what decision he wanted to make. By now, he was definitely sure they knew he was here. One was looking at him, so there was no escaping this now...Clearing his throat, he looked between the two and mumbled. "Uh...Hi...sorry to bother you, if...if this is your space then I'll go.."
