
Submerged Curiosity



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-11-2015, 02:37 AM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2015, 08:34 PM by Avalon.)

"Im fine." A simple response, but a response nontheless. She wasn't sure what prompted her to ask that, but perhaps because she had seen the woman lying in the snow and she herself thought that a bit unusual. Her ears shifted forward slightly at the womans next words. A brow raised slightly though she didn't question it. She did think it kind of odd that Amachi had been behind her at some length, though she didn't mention anything more about her new stalker. *cough* Avalon had seen the woman at the meeting, then she had thought the woman quite interesting especially her markings and her impressive height. Even now, Avalon was still quite fascinated by her. The more vibrant colors of her red and oranged hued tail was something the girl had not seen before in all her life, and she had met many wolves in her past.

Her head tilted slightly at the womans words. Arian had sent her to follow her? Or did the woman take it upon herself to follow Avalon to make sure nothing bad happened? She was unsure about how to respond, did they not think she was capable of taking care of herself? Perhaps not...then again, Arian was the only one I showed my true emotions to... She sat down then, Avalon reaching a paw towards Amachi as she offered a smile. "Thank you for checking up on me, I could use the company anyway." True, she didn't quite want to travel alone just yet, unsure if whether or not she was ready. She wasn't even quite sure why she had come here, but perhaps it was because she was on her way to visit where she had lived before. Or perhaps because the North is where she had been born, and was visiting all the Northern lands she should have been shown by her father.

A wave of sadness hit her, though it quickly went away because she didn't want to alarm the other woman. Breathing evenly to calm herself, she flicked her tail free of any snow that had collected. "It must be cold down there in the snow. Come, walk with me. You're the first pack mate I've met asides from Arian after all. Perhaps we can get to know one another?" She was a little hopeful in her words, unsure as to whether or not Amachi was the social type or the stand offish type. Avalon was a mixture of both, but it was the only way she knew how to begin breaking free of her shell.


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