
Don't sink in the sand!


04-04-2013, 01:31 PM

The rain fell upon her pelt, drenching her fur in the sorrow of the land. Sand begun to slide down the side of the dried up riverbed. Soon her paws were beginning to sink down in to the depth of the sand. Her green eyes scanned the muddy land that she found herself in. Tikaani shook her fur and begun to walk in the riverbed. Her muscles rippled under her pelt with every step, she looked up in the sky. Her mind went back to that day when her mother left her, just vanished with out a trace. Tikaani's head lowered, ears pinned to her head, and eyes narrowed. A growl bubbled up and pout of her throat."how dare that Bitch just leave me like that."She growled even louder, her paw struck the ground tearing up the dirt that laid right beneath her.

Small pieces of mud flew up in the air, the rain begun to poor down harder now. The anger and evil showed in her eyes, her tail swayed violently as she raised her head to the sky and let out a howl up in the sky. Tikaani lood around the land and took off in a sprint. Her paws struck the ground with such force that she left an inch paw print in the ground. Her nostrils widened as she pushed her self faster, and faster, and faster. The torcher she puts her self in makes her self stronger in her own mind. Her breathing was faster and deeper now as she picked up her pace. She was now running way faster that what she was ready for. Mud sprung up from under her paws, and landed both on her and behind her.

Her ears were pinned to her head, her head lowered as she cane to a sliding halt. Mud sprung up into the air and consumed her for a few seconds. When everything settled she had moved a good three miles from her last position. She was breathing very hard and deep,her heart was racing. Just as she stopped her eyes caught a sight of a desert rabbit. Her tongue slid across her lips as she took off running once more. She dashed towards the rabbit and with in a few seconds the poor creature was in her jaws. Fresh warm blood dripped down her muzzle as she laid down in the mud. The fresh kill rested upon her paws drenching them in blood also. Tikaani sunk her fangs into the flesh of her prey and ripped off a chunk of meat in one pull.She blended in to the mud so well that all you could see is the one good green eye peering through the darkness.


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