
again and again 'til I'm stuck in your head



7 Years
Dire wolf
06-11-2015, 09:43 PM (This post was last modified: 06-11-2015, 09:44 PM by Caia.)

our words are broken but they're spoken aloud

Her musings were interrupted. A foreign voice, accented with the usual tones of this land. It was a gruff greeting, far from interesting. Amethyst gaze flicked to the figure, looking over her shoulder. A dark pelted male, not that impressive in size. She detected the faint scent of herbs. He was quick to dismiss. A grunt was offered in reply, tail tip flicking absently. The sound was punctuated by a soft curl to her lip, almost in disdain. He bore violet markings upon his brow, but she was far from intrigued at this point. Shoulders hunched against a sudden breeze. Celestial pelt was ruffled by the buffeting currents, earning a disgruntled mutter of profanity. The chill bit against her hide. For once she was displeased by it. A growl rumbled low in her chest, scowl directed at the horizon. Why did she have to have a conscience? Mith and Ria were completely content to wander to their hearts' content, without checking in once. She'd once gone weeks without speaking to anyone, simply going on an adventure and disappearing entirely. All of the sudden she felt all this worry, this need to protect everyone. Teeth flashed in a silent snarl, tongue swiping over her fangs irritably. It wasn't fair, being the older one. She felt like she owed it to her parents, to make sure Mithras lived as long as possible. Ria too, she had given it all up for them, she deserved to be cared for.

The steady breath and musk of the other remained. Bodice stilled, gaze finding his form once more. "I can help you?" She snapped, hardened expression made accusing by a raised brow. He obviously didn't want to leave, did he want something? To ask of her origins, perhaps? Pester her with endless questions? She wasn't in the mood anymore, for someone to blather on about this or that. She wanted to stop having all of this guilt weighing down upon her. Violet toned body turned slowly, the flex of muscle under skin rippling beneath her cosmic derma. She faced him openly, dark toned limbs spangled with tiny pinpricks of ivory and violet, galaxies scattered carelessly across her skin. Kohl rimmed eyes pinned a stare upon him, waiting for his reply.


Sessy as hell manip courtesy of the lovely Fox!