



5 Years
Dire wolf
06-11-2015, 09:57 PM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2015, 06:08 PM by Amachi.)

(This song is rated M for a few curse words)

The behemoth had been out hunting for the pack in these pines. A massive body like hers made it easy to take down a doe left behind in the winters wake. It may not have been very fit, skinny even, but meat was meat as it was. Though her body stuck out so much to the snow, her gray eyes would focus on a form out in the distance. She herself first thought of it as simply a piece of bark that had flown out in the wind. Dragging the carcass with her she stopped, as her nose picked up the scent of a wolf. It was a pup, Amachi almost couldn't believe it there was no parents in sight and yet this small pup maybe only a mere season and a half was out in the snow with a blizzard coming in. The beast would settled the carcass off to the side, there was no time to carry the pup elsewhere. As she would lower her body gently to the puny creature she made sure not to crush her but close enough to curl up around her and protect her from the cold. Her gray eyes moving to her doe.

Amachi grabbed a small portion of the meat delicately with her teeth from the leg. Placing it close to the young one's mouth. "Eat this, slowly young one. Please, your safe now I'm here." Amachi whispered to the young one. It was nearly unbelievable that she found the small girl. The fiery woman hoped that she could save the pup in the condition she was in. Her body sheilding her from the icy wind. She would bring her back to Sonticus after and gave Arian take a look at her. With no parents in sight, it seemed like..... she was abandoned. It made her frown.


[Image: 11ludc3.png]