
Problems - Open



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-04-2013, 03:52 PM
Erani curled on the top natural stair, gazing out into the enclosed Ravine. The loss of Neo still hurt. She hadn?t yet told Cairo of her meeting with him, or with Kaien. How did one tell him that the boy he had loved just as much as his own blood had turned into what Neo was now? And that he seemed to hate their living intestines with a fire that was entirely sickening? However, her mind was jerked away from the painful thoughts by a feeling.

Her head lifted and she turned her head side to side, as though that feeling could become a sound that would tell her what it meant. It was a feeling that was a mix of elation, and foreboding. She rose to her paws with a huff and made her way down the steps and out of the Ravine. The storms had returned after that one lovely day she had used to take Preston out on a gathering foray. Rain fell in sheets, Lightning flashed, and thunder charged across the sky like a giant herd of bison. However, she kept on, following that sixth sense that something was happening that was both wonderful, but would be terrible in some way.

She caught the scent and stopped, stock still. Or she would have been stock still, had one of her unborn litter not chosen to give a particularly strong nudge, which sent the entire litter into wiggling. Erani?s ears tilted backward as though listening to them, then pricked them forward. Eos. Erani hadn?t seen the young female since the night they had reached the Redwood Forest in the unclaimed lands. It was as though the young female had slipped away. Many had feared her death.

But she was here. On the border. Erani started forward, eyes cautious. If the young Princess was back, why did she feel so uneasy? She came into the scene and studied the young female that had returned. There was something off. The way Eos stood, as though she didn?t want to be there, yet had to be there. Erani had been taught to watch the body. To read what it said. Words could often mean one thing, when the body told the truth. She stood, and gave Eos the distance that she sensed she wanted.

She didn?t speak, only watched Epiphron and Cairo greet her. This should have been making her day brighter. She had missed Eos. Had worried for her. And now she was here, safe, unharmed, and strong. But that feeling that she was about to lose again wouldn?t leave her alone.