
Will you still love me tomorrow?



8 Years
Extra large
06-11-2015, 10:44 PM
Shai Adeyemi
While physically she didn't look hurt it seemed more turmoil had hold of her, he'd heard Rhythm earlier and smelled her on his mate's coat, could they have had another spat? He'd receive similar affections from her as she tried to reassure him with a smile but it wasn't working. He'd grow more concerned, his pierced ears falling to his skull as he watched her stumble over her words. First she asked him if he remembered how sick she'd been, so she'd seen Rhythm. How bad was her illness? His mind would certainly not go to pregnancy so as she finally said the word his first reaction would be to drop his jaws. Again, she hadn't been in season when they'd enjoyed each other, how could this have happened twice?

After the initial shock a giant grin would overcome his features. This would be their chance to be a real family. He would be there for the pregnancy, the birth, he'd get to see his children on the first day of their existence in the world. He hadn't been given that chance with Shaye. He had no idea how Motif felt about the news, with how nervous he was he almost thought she'd expected more of an outburst from him. "Motif, I don't think you know how happy this makes me." He'd whisper to her as he enveloped her into his embrace weather she liked it or not. "We can be a real family." His voice was incredibly soft as he grasped at the reality, the amazement was obviously clear. He hadn't even given a thought that their little romp might result in another out of season litter. (Though at the time he hadn't thought of babies at all.)

"Speaking" ; Thoughts

art; KAT table; LAYLA
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