
Will you still love me tomorrow?

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
06-12-2015, 02:51 AM

Shaye looked up at Rhythm as she spoke, tilting her head in confusion. She had thought they where just gonna have a fun family time, but it seemed there was an ulterior motive to bringing her here. It made her curious, and she wondered if it was only for this that Rhythm came or if she would have any way, despite whatever news awaited the young girl. Her curiosity wasn't left waiting long, as Motif plunges straight into an explanation and her attention quickly flitted to her mother. She tilted her head again, listening, but not quite understanding. She was going to be sister, Rhythm an Aunt.. parents with kids underfoot.. on earth mother? Have you lost your mind? oh...

“Your pregnant!” she blurted and leaped forward, almost into Motif's arms but then skirted at the last second to jump into Shai's. She had intended to land before her mother but at the last moment decided that might be a bad idea – pregnant people where suppose to be fragile weren't they? From where she sprawled across her dad's front paws she showered her mother in licks and looked up at Rhythm with big bright eyes. “If there are boys I'm gonna make sure I kick their asses at everything, but if there's girls we can teach them healing right Auntie. Oh!! Will I get to deliver them mumma, will I? I've never delivered a baby before, is it hard?” she started the question at her mum but then sorta tilted her head and looked at Rhythm in question, uncertain which one would be better suited to answer – the one that had already given birth before, or the knowledgeable healer – either way, she knew without a doubt Rhythm would have an answer for her.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.