
We ain't them



6 Years
Extra large
06-12-2015, 03:22 AM

 Glacier Elementas

Voltage admitted to thinking of the two as one as they where growing up, and Glacier nodded. The two had been inseparable, totally different from one another but so perfectly complimentary personalities that the differences where seamless. They where born to be together, as two halves of a whole and he understood Voltage's reasoning even as a child. He would continue on to explain the importance of all the loved on in their lives, and Glacier nodded, a slight smile twitching at the corner of his lips despite the seriousness, he smiled because he understood “If I lost one of them, it would be like losing a limb, a beloved limb, but losing you would be to lose myself” he concluded, there was no other way he could put it.

In response to having something tangible, he would raise his eyes to Voltage's in surprise “Wear ice?” he asked, amused, as much as he loved the stuff it seemed a rather impractical suggestion, and he wasn't entirely certain where his brother was going with the idea. But that in itself wasn't surprising, his brothers thoughts always flitted by so quickly it was sometimes difficult for Glacier to grasp one.

Voltage would see the smile that existed only for the lightning boy, and it would grant Glacier a smile in return as Voltage's eyes slipped closed, and Glacier was able to take in the sight of his litter mate tranquil and okay one more time before his trip. “Yes, I always wondered who cursed me with you” Glacier replied, winking fondly at his heart-brother.
