
i aint gonna have your first drink be no damn peach schnapps



6 Years
Extra large
06-12-2015, 03:39 AM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2015, 03:39 AM by Glacier.)

The cough he had to give in signal also helped to choke back the laughter that was churning in the big brutes chest as Voltage allowed him to push him into position with little to no protest. Likely Voltage was so befuddled by the strange behavior and thinking his brother had finally lost it that he hasn't quite connected the dots of yet. After the cough there was only a second to wait as the siblings times there little surprise, leaping or jumping up into view to surprise their lightning boy.

Glacier had positioned himself to grab Volty if he decided to bolt when the initial surprise hit him – he had never forgotten his brothers reaction to mud-monster Glacier after all. Well Voltage did jump in obvious surprise, there was no fleeing as instead realization and happiness spread across his brothers muzzle. As Voltage glanced up at him he only grinned cheekily back at the smaller wolf – Glacier could take a page from Voltage's book if he so wished and throw a surprise party, after all they where all going to need it with Voltage's departure.

He would see the joy in Voltage's eyes and knew he had done right. His brother adored parties as readily as Glacier adored the snow, and seeing that brilliant smile made everything worth it. After his job was done, Glacier would lean back a little, letting himself fall into the background as he watched the mayhem that was Voltage unfold. Glacier could watch this and pat himself on the back for a job well done and Voltage could unleash himself on their hapless siblings – it was perfect.

"Burn Baby Burn"