
The Antidote


06-12-2015, 12:56 PM

The massive frame of the ash and silver wolf would both blend and stand out against the black backdrop of sand behind him. Immense paw prints were left in his wake as the oceans frigid water danced with his toes. The tide was out for now, but where he stood would be completely under water in half a days time. Deimos would heave a great sigh, the anxious feeling of needing to get out was finally gone, and he and Nysa had a whole new world to light up in flame. A wicked grin played on his features as all the possibilities screamed at him, though even as he thought of them he couldn't imagine the majority with out his faithful companion. Thinking of the similarly colored sister that lingered behind him the brute's mammoth head would swing around over his shoulder so his icy blue gaze might catch her form. He was not often caught far from her side, he craved to be beside her stronger than any other primal urge that might erupt from him. A low bark would would bubble up from his chest as he called out for her to hurry herself.