
No where to go



9 Years
06-12-2015, 09:22 PM

He would listen carefully to her answer and though he liked what she had to say, Ravine just couldnt bring himself to completely drop his guard. Though not as visable as before, they remained as an invisible back up. Cairo he knew, sort of. The bkack and white man had been very young when Cairo still ruled over Valhalla. Epiphron was a name he knew and a face he faintly remembered. Her words of Erani were true, she was a good friend and an excellent healer just as she had been told.

Another question would be asked of him, this time of his old pack and the fact that he was alone. When he realized that he had pointed out the fact that he was alone the tension in his muscles would be evident again as he mentally cursed himself. He would first adress the first topic at hand as he tried to recall what actually happened to his pack.

"I didnt know Cairo well, I was still very young while he had been the alpha. You werent lied to about Erani. She was a very good friend to me as well as my alpha and healer. Epiphron and I never spoke to one another, not that I can remember anyway. But I remember her from pack meetings" a few moments would pass as aqua orbs watched the woman before him.

A sigh would escape him as he really wasnt positive about what had happened to Secretua. Slowly he would give a nod. "Yes, I am alone. And im not sure what happened really. All I know is that I saw Rune less and less. Eventually everyone just up and left. Here I am hoping that, Akemi at the very least, will come back. She was the only one I ever really spoke to, other than Rune, in my short time in the pack." he couldnt help wishing and hoping that Akemi would return or that he were brave enough to go find her. She was currently his only friend and he really didnt want to lose her.
